Sunday, August 4, 2024

Today's pitching...

First, this is the company I was pitching to: 1Community

And it looks like the guy I am pitching to is: Saúl Delcompare (Creative Executive).

I really wish I had done more research before I agreed to this meeting (and I didn't really have time to do so... once they announce new meetings, you really have to pounce on it within seconds or you miss out). The movies of note that they've produced are Just Mercy (the Michael B. Jordan vehicle) and Respect (the Aretha Franklin biopic).

Also, funny story: I'm an idiot and completely forgot that the times FadeIn supplies me with are Pacific times. I am currently on Central time. 

So I need to slide all the times for my pitches forward two hours. 

And so I woke up at 10:30am... which is fine... it gave me more time to practice my pitch... (plus I need to get in the habit of waking up early when school starts back on Tuesday).

UPDATE: Just had my meeting. I think it went... okay. More details later.


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