Received the following email from my FadeIn pitchfest liaison:
"Hi there,
Wolper is interested in reviewing your materials! Please respond to this e-mail with what you pitched so I can pass it along to them.
I sent them Personal Demons and replied:
"Requested materials are enclosed.
Also, are you still fielding requests, or is this it for me?"
I received this email yesterday, nearly a week after Pitchfest concluded.
I can only assume that means that Wolperg is my only request, which I can't imagine it is... unless the execs I pitched to were just being nice and wanting to get off the video call with me with a minimum amount of awkwardness, or they changed their minds... or I am being swindled by the gatekeepers.
Regardless, I have a friend with IMDBPro and I have searched, and found, most of the exec's email addresses that are attached to their companies.
Regardless, I have a friend with IMDBPro and I have searched, and found, most of the exec's email addresses that are attached to their companies.
We'll see what my FadeIn Pitchfest liaison comes back with.
I know the updates, instructions and protocol that they give writers, explicitly, warns:
"This list [of executives] is provided in order to help you select which companies would
be most receptive to your material and/or pitches. It is not intended
for you to contact each of the industry people directly beforehand.
This will, in no way, endear you to them or the festival - as all of
these people are extremely busy and have been gracious enough to take
some time out of their weekend to meet with you. We cannot stress this
point enough. Past calls prior to the festival to these companies have
resulted in the reps canceling entirely."
That's not what I'm doing.
Really, I'm just following up a promising lead.
If the execs ignore, then I have my answer.
If they answer directly, and positively, then I know I was swindled.
Time (and people's responses) will tell.
I also conceived a new David Kemp story today while at PD for my day job (and kind of for my night job).
I think it's time I embraced Kemp's middle age and decribed him getting older.
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