Monday, September 6, 2021

Astrophobia Science Fiction & Horror Film Festival Honorable Mention!


Dear Erik D.,

we are thrilled to announce that your script has been chosen as one of two honourary mentions in our competition! This means that, while it did not win an award, it was chosen as worthy of extra-mention from the final short-list of scripts that were considered for awards. We here at the Astrophobia Science Fiction and Horror Film Festival would like to thank you again for your submission. It was a pleasure to read your script and we wish you all the best in your future as a screenwriter.

Full competition results will be posted online in the next few days.

Laurels can be downloaded at the Laurel Centre here:

Personal Demons

Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention

Project has been selected as an honorable mention in festival.

You can contact Astrophobia Science Fiction and Horror Film Festival by replying to this email or sending an email to

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