Monday, September 6, 2021

NOLA Horror Film Fest Rejection


Dear Erik D.,

You would think after 11 years that delivering festival notifications would get easier. NOPE! Unfortunately it does not... AT ALL. As I’m sure you have now surmised, the project that you submitted has not been selected to participate in the 2021 NOLAHFF. I would totally understand if you want to stop reading at this point, drag this email to the Trash Bin and utter a few profanities.

If you have been around the “film festival block” a few times, you know that there are many, MANY factors involved in festival programming. Most of which have very little to do with the quality of any given project. And even though it’s the "nature of the beast" - it’s still a bummer. As a filmmaker myself, I have received my fair share of Not Selected letters from festivals. So I completely understand how you might be feeling.

Please do not take this disheartening news as a personal offensive toward you or your work. It absolutely, positively is not. I assure you. And please don't let this disappointment discourage you from submitting to the NOLAHFF in the future. We would love to see your new work(s) and to watch you grow as an Artist. 

Thank you for submitting,

JT Seaton | Festival Director

NOLA Horror Film Fest

P.S. Unfortunately, due to the number of submissions that we received, we are unable to respond to inquiries as to why a particular project was not accepted. We apologize in advance.

FilmFreeway   +   NOLA Horror Film Fest

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