Wednesday, October 16, 2024

New Idea

 Okay, here's what I'm going to try fore the future.

For anytime I query an agent, or attend a PitchFest and get requests for Personal Demons... I am going to include a page of my festival wins and accolades behind the quote (from Isaac Bashevis Singer).

Hopefully agents won't find either of these things too pretentious or unnecessary.

Hopefully it will help to color, guide and influence their opinion and perception when reading the script.

It's sad that I have to posture and manipulate them into giving my script an even chance, but you have to do what you have to do.

And if they want shameless self-promotion (and it seems like they do) then I will oblige.

Besides, like my buddy Tim Scott says, "Confidence is an accurate estimation of what you have going for you. Arrogance is an over estimation of what you have going for you."

All I'm doing is pointing out the factual evidence I have for the quality and marketability of my script.

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