Sunday, September 15, 2024

TikTok... Heaven help me

Heaven help me: I may very well be joining TikTok.

Something I said I'd never do.

A facet of modern "culture" that has both horrified, disgusted and annoyed me all in equal amounts ever since its launch.

For people with attention spans too short for YouTube.

However, when I told my students about my latest festival win, they encouraged me to join TikTok, offered to help me create the TikToks where I will prompt my screenplays and then said that (and I'm paraphrasing here) with their help (and all the followers I'd have with just the students alone) that I would indeed "go viral."

I need to put some more thought into this, but this may be a last ditch effort.

Clearly PitchFest isn't the goldmine of opportunity I thought it was. Three years of participating in it with little-to-no results is enough toi convince me.

Query letters never really seemed to work... and I haven't even picked back up the habit of sending them in years.

Social media (in an effort to accentuate my festival wins) may be my only hope.

We shall see.

More on this as I consider it and as it develops. 


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