Sunday, January 23, 2022

NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Reboot... Why My Idea Is the Best Out There!

So, back in October of last year, when I went to see Halloween (2018) and Halloween Kills (2021) at the drive-in on a double feature... as I was squinting through the veil of fog that crept into Belleville, IL. and nearly completely obscured my view of the screen... I managed to brainstorm the basic idea of what I would envision as a new entry in the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise.

A franchise so beloved to me that I own the novelizations for Nightmares 1-5 and New Nightmare (though I've only read New Nightmare among them, though).

I've read the script for New Nightmare (and have it signed by Heather Langenkamp). And have the screenplays (including many unproduced scripts) for the sequels in the franchise.

I've read Englund's autobiography (Hollywood Monster) and have my copy signed by Englund.

I have too many signed Englund and Langenkamp photos from horror cons.

I have too many autographs from them. 

And professor photo ops with both of them. 

I wear one of many Freddy sweaters I own every Halloween (when it gets cold). 

I own the documentary I Am Nancy and did so long before it was cool... I ordered mine off Langenkamp's website in September 2011). 

I helped crowdfund the documentary about Robert Englund (Icon) and am anticipating a Blu-ray for my contribution.

I own the documentary Never Sleep Again and have watched it at least 7 times.

I've seen the original Nightmare in theatrical re-release (at midnight, around Halloween, and at the drive-in around Halloween, more times than I can count).

And I championed for (and managed to accomplish) getting New Nightmare on the drive-in's annual Halloween weekend season ending SlashFest.

I went and saw New Nightmare twice in a row Halloween weekend.

But my super-fandom aside, that night I saw the modern, retcon Halloween sequels at the drive-in, I conceived of an idea that would be a direct sequel to New Nightmare and would acknowledge all of the films in the Nightmare franchise, his fight with Jason, the remake, the 80's TV show... everything.

It wouldn't retcon anything.

And it would breing all the original cast and characters back into the fold.

I think my idea is rather clever idea and I think it would give fans exactly the movie they want (I should know... as is clearly illustrated above, I am a fan).  

Some from WB and New Line should contact me.

If you want a guaranteed hit, a film written by as fan for the fans... contact me.

I'll give you your hit.

With all of these retcons, reboots, remakes and requels coming out... Some that hit the mark (Ghostbusters: Aferlife... and Scream... apparently, I haven't seen it) , some that do not (Candyman (2021), Halloween Kills) I think the fans are owed a sequel with dignity, artistic integrity and lots of fan service, as only a fan can create. 

Call me, New Line.

Call me.

I'll give you one last room to build in the House that Freddy Built.



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