Friday, August 6, 2021

Interesting article

A friend of mine (also an aspiring screenwriter... though he also aspires to produce and direct... I only have vague aspirations to produce, never to direct!) sent me this article.

First, I think this Leonard guy has some great points and is 100% wholly correct: Hollywood is ripe with nepotism and favoritism.

I won't go into details, or name any names, but I have felt this way for a long time and have chalked at least some of my lack of success in breaking in to how cluttered the field is with entitled celebs (with famous last names) who were grandfathered into the system and are eating up all the slices of pie at the table and not wanting to share with us "nobodies". 

It's just gratifying when you have a theory, then get down in the dumps (thinking that your theory is only an excuse and perhaps you are only getting overlooked due to lack of talent), but then that theory is vindicated.  

This doesn't mean that I'm not seeing success because my work doesn't need refining.

Far from it.

I'm well aware of this.

I just know that my scripts show talent and promise, otherwise why would Personal Demons have won so many awards and been requested by so many agents & producers?

I just know now that one of the many obstacles standing in my way is the fact that I don't share a last name with Hollywood royalty.




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