Monday, July 26, 2021

New Opporunities

First, I just submitted to my 15th screenplay competition / film fest of the summer: the 8th Annual Stage 32 Search For New Blood Screenwriting Contest through Film Freeway.

Furthermore, for the first time ever I may finally be submitting Personal Demons (or, if I can get a few of them re-read & revised and it won't seem too gauche) I may submit all of what I consider to be my best scripts (Cubs, Flatdog, Invoking Henry, etc.) to the fabled Blood List.

This has been a great summer for submitting, for writing (kind of, if I finish my comedy script I will consider this summer a success) and for documenting my process (I've definitely blogged more this summer than I have in previous years, I think). 

Feels good. 


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