Saturday, July 31, 2021


 So... this proves just how fogged my brain is during the school year:

At the beginning of summer I sat down to write three-act structural outlines for two horror screenplays I want to write in the near future.

One is an idea I've had in my head since I was 15-years-old.

The other is the (possibly) final entry in a trilogy of films I am writing.

However, today I noticed that there were two Word files for these three-act structural outlines that I intended to write: one was located in a folder on my desktop, entitled "WRITING TO FINISH", the other in a folder titled "WRITING NOTES & FUTURE PROJECTS".

Long story short: I already wrote three-act structural outlines for both of these scripts (I suppose I did so over spring break of this school year) and then wrote new three-act structural outlines earlier this summer, without any previous remembrance ( or déjà vu) of having written them just a few months prior.

I just got done re-reading a horror script I wrote in March 2008 (and revised in June of 2015 in preparation for PitchFest). This is the 4th draft of that script and I plan to submit it to the Blood List (along with Personal Demons) tomorrow.

Anyhow, now that I am done with that (before I order my pizza for the night), I plan to read both three-act structural outlines and combine the best parts of both into one, singular, perfect one. 

After that, if I am feeling up to, I will commence with writing a new three-act structural outline for my first zombie script (which I've been toying around with since I was 24).

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