Saturday, September 11, 2021

American Horror FIlm Festival ACCEPTANCE!

 Hello Erik,

And congratulations! Your screenplay “Personal Demons” has been selected for this year’s American Horror Film Festival! 

We will be announcing the nominations for Best Screenplay during the film screenings from the 17th through the 24th of September and announcing the winner the following weekend, but for now I’ve attached your Official Selection laurels below so please feel free to share them on your socials. We would love to follow you and your project so if you could let me know your handles that would be wonderful! And if you’d like to follow us, our handles are:

Instagram & Facebook | @americanhorrorfilmfestival

Please also feel free to have a look at the rest of the official selection on our website at

Have a great day!

Kind regards,

Jessica Maxfield
Festival Manager
The American Horror Film Festival

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