Saturday, August 21, 2021

Festival Submission Update

I got word from Mara Garcia (of the Southern Horror Film Festival; in New Orleans) on August 17th that she needed more info (contact info. about my script before it went on "to the final round of judging". Hopefully, this means I passed several other tiers of judging and I am on the final stretch.

Also, received the following coverage on August 20th:

HORROR Underground Film & Screenplay Festival has added a note to your submission:

Resubmit if you desire for 30% off for new feedback and results. Simply reply to this email whenever you're ready.

There is also a chance for us to do a 1 minute Screenplay Trailer for you. Let us know if you're interested by replying to this email.



In Blackhand, Colorado a demon ascends from the mountains and creeps it’s way into the town. MR. ERIK HAUER (late 20s) is supervising the Horror Club consisting of members: CONRAD HEINDT (18), WOLFGANG BURROUGHS (17), JERMIAH LUSTIG (17), EFFIE DIETRICH (18), and ARNOLD OLMST (18). After they watch Nightmare on Elm Street, they all go home to their families. The dynamics with their families are different for each teen with Wolfgang’s being the hardest. The demon continues to move through the town. He comes upon a farm and ripes a cow apart.

He moves onto Wolfgang’s house. He bursts through the window. The two wrestle until the demon rips into Wolfgang’s body. The Horror Club is told about Wolfgang’s death the next day and they’re distraught. Police are unsure of what happened and an autopsy can’t place the claw marks. Conrad isn’t convinced that it was a mountain lion. He visits Wolfgang’s grave. The demon lurks in the shadows. Conrad hears it and moves out of the way. The demon digs into Wolfgang’s casket and pulls his body out. The lights of the police cars scare it. It drops his body and flees into the woods. The next day, Conrad tells his friends what he saw but they don’t believe him. They decide to set up a trap to lure the demon out. Mr. Hauer overhears the entire thing.

They go to the local church where they ask TIMOTHY “TIMBO” BISHOP (22), a former classmate and a friend, for holy water. He’s reluctant at first but he gives them some. They set up a trap of meat stuffed inside clothing. They succeed in luring the demon out and douse it in holy water which burns its skin. It spots the Horror Club on a rooftop which freaks them out. They all return home. At the club the next day, Effie and Arnold talk about getting punished by their parents. Jeremiah isn’t even there meaning he got the worst of it. They think Mr. Hauer told their parents about their plan. They decide to try something else. Conrad confronts Jermiah about abandoning their mission. Jeremiah confesses that he thinks whatever is happening to them because they’re Catholic and demons don’t exist in Judaism.

They go to a wolf sanctuary and lure the demon there. Arnold sets up the trap in the wolf sanctuary. The wolves and demon fight each other off. The wolves overtake the demon and he flees. Arnold and the rest of the club flee. Conrad comes over to claw marks around his window. His dad is waiting for him in his house and tells him that he’s thinking of moving because of everything that’s happened in the town thus far. The next day, Effie and Arnold decide to abandon the mission. Arnold is freaked out that he was so close to the demon and almost died and Effie’s parents want to send her to boarding school. Timbo comes out of the church on his way to an Ozzy concert to find that his tires have been slashed. He tries to fix it and is face to face with the demon. He fights off the demon and is able to lure it away when he forces the cross hanging around his neck into its chest. It wounds the demon and it flees. Timbo survives, barely hanging on. This changes the minds of Effie, Arnold and Jermiah who all have had Timbo help them out in the past with various issues. Their new plan is to find out where the demon lives and kill it from there. They research the different ways they can do it through classic horror films, video games and books.

The demon follows Mr. Hauer to his house and kills him in his basement. Conrad watches him take the body to his lair in the mountains. He relays the information back to the group. They get ready to strike. They attack. Mid-fight, Effie asks the demon why it decided to start attacking people. It sloppily writes “souls” on the cave walls. The fight continues with Jermiah and Arnold badly injured. Timbo emerges and throws a cross into the demon’s throat and pours holy water on it. The demon chokes and is burned by the holy water. Just then several even hundreds of demons emerge and drag the charred body back further into the cave. They decide to recruit more people to fight off the remaining demons.

I like how this script references classic horror content from various mediums. Seeing how the teens solve this through their knowledge of demon slaying in horror gives this script a unique angle. The structure and pacing are strong. There’s never a moment in the script where it feels like information is being revealed too late or too early. The discovery of hundreds, maybe thousands of demons in the cave was a great twist that felt like the right way to end the story.

This script is grounded and it shows when Jeremiah initially pulls out of the plan because of his religious beliefs and the others fear for their lives. It adds a sense of realism to the plot that makes these characters more relatable. Despite consuming a lot of horror media, they have no desire to put their lives in danger for it. At the beginning of the script, you spend some time establishing the teen’s home lives but it would’ve been nice to see their friendship before the demon kills Wolfgang. The parents and their dynamic with their kids didn’t really add much to the overall story.

The rules regarding the demon need to be more clear. If he’s attached to any meat, why doesn’t go on a rampage throughout the town? The conflict is very centered on the teens and the people around them that die. Bringing the entire town into it would raise the stakes. There’s also the question of why only one demon comes out at a time.

Overall, this is a solid horror piece that has a good amount of suspense, gore and action to keep the reader engaged in the story. The characters are relatable as well and their reactions to the various situations are realistic. There should be more time spent establishing their friendship dynamic rather than their individual family dynamics. It’s great that the characters are invested in horror content and use that as a reference when trying to defeat the demon.

You can contact HORROR Underground Film & Screenplay Festival by replying to this email or sending an email to



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